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ITP Coworking Space

11/02/2025 6:00 pm

Entrepreneurship Meetup - The Ideal Customer Profile


ITP Prizren

20/06/2024 2:00 pm

Demo Day: Prezantimi i startup-eve nga programi "Idea-to-Scale" – Kohorta 2


ITP Prizren

15/05/2024 6:00 pm

“Ups n’ Downs: Ideas into Impact - Navigimi i Startup-ve drejt suksesit“


ITP Prizren

05/03/2024 6:00 pm

“Ups n’ Downs: Ideas into Impact” - takim me biznesmenët e sukseshëm të vendit


Makerspace Innovation Center Prizren

29/08/2023 3:30 pm

Meetup: "How to protect and commercialize your idea?"


ITP Coworking Space

19/07/2023 5:30 pm

Retail Sales 2.0 – Introducing the latest software assisting this industry


Our incubation programs help startups turn their ideas into successful businesses by supporting and accelerating their growth and development in their early stages. We achieved these goals by creating activities designed to help them through every stage of business development that went through different fields, shaping them into young experienced entrepreneurs.


We offer a range of training programs focused mainly on digital skills. Our training programs are delivered by experienced instructors and are designed to meet your needs, giving you the most valuable information and techniques about your chosen field of training. With our training programs we can help you achieve great levels of expertise in everything you choose.

Coworking space

We provide a welcoming and stimulating environment for professionals from diverse fields. It is thoughtfully designed to cater to the needs of individuals or small teams, offering a comfortable space to thrive and work with enthusiasm. It is worth mentioning the nature that surrounds the place, it is the perfect way to spend your free time and relax from everything else.

We can help you transform a simple idea into a fully functional business.

Makerspace Innovation Center Prizren is an innovation center founded in 2017 in Prizren. It aims to develop and promote a digital ecosystem in the area of Prizren by interconnecting science and education with the industrial and business sector, mainly focusing on modern job creation in the various fields of ICT.

Founded by professionals of the fields of technology and business, Makerspace Prizren has been offering support through some components as: vocational education and training programs, start-up incubation & entrepreneurship support, coworking spaces and MakersLab – creative industry lab.

Proven success




Jobs created


Training beneficiaries


People engaged


Startup Teams



We work closely with our partners to bring about impactful projects.

Makerspace Innovation Center Prizren deeply appreciates the invaluable contribution of our partners in supporting the next generation of entrepreneurs and professionals through impactful partnerships.

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