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“Idea-to-Scale” – Cohort 2

The 2nd cohort of the “Idea to Scale” incubation program continued its mission of fostering innovation and entrepreneurial growth in the Prizren region. Running from November 2023 to June 2024, the cohort adapted the program's structure based on learnings from the first cohort. The program offered tailored support for early-stage startups, providing mentorship from industry experts, educational workshops, grants for equipment and services, coworking space access, and opportunities for networking and partnership-building. 11 startup teams were selected from 83 applications through a rigorous selection process, including the Startup Competition and a Direct Call for applications. Notably, three teams were female-led or co-founded, emphasizing diversity in entrepreneurial participation. The cohort culminated with the Demo Day event, where startups showcased their innovative solutions to stakeholders and potential investors, marking the start of their entrepreneurial journeys.

Project type

Entrepreneurship & Startup


6 months


Individuals older than 18, with innovative ideas in ICT and similar fields


11 startups

Project Description

The program built upon a standardized framework developed by Tech Park Kaunas, which guided the design and implementation of services for business incubators. This cohort’s shorter, six-month duration was chosen to maintain participant engagement and focus. Financial and operational support was provided by GIZ Kosovo, ITP Prizren, and the Municipality of Prizren, demonstrating a strong commitment to fostering local innovation. The involvement of international mentors and the inclusion of partners like the Swiss Entrepreneurship Program enriched the program’s resources and expertise.

Key activities included mentorship sessions on topics such as design thinking, financial forecasting, and marketing, as well as personalized one-on-one mentoring. A dynamic Demo Day offered startups a platform to pitch their ideas, engage with investors, and network within the entrepreneurial ecosystem.

Our contribution

Makerspace Innovation Center Prizren (MICP) led the program’s implementation with a focus on offering startups a comprehensive suite of resources and support. MICP ensured access to experienced mentors in fields like business modeling, marketing, financial planning, and product development. The grant funds provided by the Municipality of Prizren enabled startups to acquire necessary tools and services during their growth phase.

Moreover, MICP fostered collaboration with the University of Prizren, specifically its Faculty of Computer Science, which participated in the selection process and facilitated informative sessions, reinforcing the academic-industry connection.

MICP also organized additional networking events like “Ups and Downs” to promote entrepreneurial resilience and celebrated achievements through monthly startup highlights. By leveraging its partnerships and expertise, MICP strengthened the foundation for future entrepreneurial success in Prizren and beyond.


Përshkrimi i projektit

Programi u ndërtua nga një manual i përpiluar nga Tech Park Kaunas, e cila udhëzoi hartimin dhe zbatimin e shërbimeve për inkubator të biznesit. Kohorta e dytë kishte një kohëzgjatje më të shkurtër, prej gjashtë muajsh, për të rritur përfshirjen dhe përqendrimin e pjesëmarrësve. Mbështetja financiare dhe operacionale u ofrua nga GIZ Kosova, ITP Prizren dhe Komuna e Prizrenit, duke treguar një angazhim të fortë për të nxitur inovacionin lokal. Përfshirja e mentorëve ndërkombëtarë dhe partnerëve si Swiss Entrepreneurship Program pasuroi burimet dhe ekspertizën e programit.

Aktivitetet kryesore përfshinë sesione mentorimi mbi tema si Design Thinking, parashikimi financiar dhe marketingu, si dhe mentorim individual të personalizuar. Demo Day, eventi kulminant i këtij programi  u ofroi startup-eve një platformë për të prezantuar idetë e tyre, për të bashkëvepruar me investitorë dhe për të ndërtuar rrjete brenda ekosistemit ndërmarrës.

Kontributi ynë

Makerspace Innovation Center Prizren (MICP) si implementues i programit, u fokusua në ofrimin e një spektri të gjerë burimesh dhe mbështetjeje për startup-et. MICP siguroi qasje në mentorë me përvojë në fusha si biznes modeli, marketingu, planifikimi financiar dhe zhvillimi i produkteve. Fondet e granteve të siguruara nga Komuna e Prizrenit mundësuan që startup-et të pajiseshin me mjetet dhe shërbimet e nevojshme gjatë fazës së tyre të rritjes.

MICP gjithashtu organizoi aktivitete shtesë rrjetëzimi si “Ups and Downs” për të promovuar qëndrueshmërinë ndërmarrëse dhe festoi arritjet duke dalluar startup-et e muajit. Duke shfrytëzuar partneritetet dhe ekspertizën e saj, MICP forcoi bazën për suksesin e ardhshëm ndërmarrës në Prizren dhe më gjerë.


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